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Want a good seeing to by a self-proclaimed sex machine? Well, that’s exactly what you’ll get with F-Machine! And we mean literally. Whether you want to be punished, pleasured or pounded, there guarantees to be something in this kinky collection to get your motor running. Innovatively designed using the very best technology, F-Machine has become world renowned for its ground-breaking ideas and fine quality equipment. Established in 1997, it has spent almost 20 years perfecting its range, and here at UberKinky we stock only the very best from its collection. With unparalleled attention to detail, F-Machine uses the finest aircraft alloys and other state of the art materials to create the ‘best sex toys on the planet’. Precision engineered by the experts, it meets the highest industry standards for DC motors. So, prepare for the rise of the machines; all you have to do is keep up!

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