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SelfCheck Bowel health test

  • Easy to use Home Bowel Health Test, test your faecal occult blood levels
  • Bowel health test kit with accurate and visible results in just 5 minutes
  • Test for all ages, NHS recommends those over 40 years should test at least every year
  • Bowel cancer is our 3rd most common cancer in UK!
  • Simple test to perform in the privacy of your own home


£14.99 GBP
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Who is this bowel test for? Everyone, but health care professionals strongly recommended that adults aged 40+ should have a test. How is the test performed? In the privacy of your own home! With the sample stick provided take three samples from a recent stool (from different areas of the stool, beginning middle and end) Put this into the tube supplied. Add 2 drops of the solution provided, shake well and wait 5 minutes to take the result reading.

What is the interpretation of the results for this bowel health test?

Some medicines, alcohol and some pre-existing conditions may affect the result of this test. Please read the instruction manual for details. Negative results do not exclude the possibility of a bowel condition.

How often should you test for bowel health?

Persons over the age of 40 should test at least once a year for presence of hidden blood in the stool.

What should you do if your result is positive?

In all cases, you should consult your doctor to determine the source of the blood. Do not make any medical decisions without consulting your doctor.

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SelfCheck Bowel health test | UberKinky SelfCheck Bowel health test | UberKinky

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