Introduction I wonder if all those years ago Dmitri Mendeleev imagined the impact his work would have on the world. Indeed, who’d have thought his organisation of the chemical elements would one day go on to inspire our very own masterpiece; the Periodic Table of Kink? Well, this perverted poster demonstrates that you don’t have to be a scientist to experiment folks, but a little bit of role play never hurt anyone... or did it?
Everyone has at least one kink; don’t try to deny it! But have you ever been curious to learn about all of the other weirdly wonderful fetishes out there, and how they relate to one another or share similarities? Well, we have. That’s why hours of blood, sweat and tears went into creating this table (a little practical research was required, obviously) in order to group them accordingly, and although it was a challenge, we had a LOT of fun doing it. So admit it; you periodically enjoy a bit of kink, right? Then hopefully our table will help you identify certain activities that appeal to you, inspiring you to try new things. You never know; it may even challenge your hypothesis about certain pastimes. Now, which do you think is most popular? Cake farts or tentacle sex?
Method Don’t get us wrong; it’s any excuse for some practical research! However, in this case, there was a little more to it than that. We really wanted to pay homage to every perverted preference in our Periodic Table of Kink but, sadly, there just wasn’t enough space! So our first job was to ‘short list’ our activities based on search engine popularity. After we had finalised our fetishes, many a day was spent gathered around the whiteboard at UberKinky HQ, scratching our heads and illegibly scribbling on little yellow post-its. It was vital that we grouped our kinks accurately based on fundamental similarities and, as such, our UberKinky experts took their time to discuss each one in detail. Eventually the whiteboard became a sea of little yellow post-its and, at last, our groups were formed. This was the only ingredient required for our experimental endeavour!

Results (explained) I’m sure you’ll agree that the UberKinky Periodic Table of Kink is a fine work of art. But if you’re having a little trouble getting your head around it, fear not; we’re happy to break it down for you. You don’t need to be an avid watcher of the Big Bang Theory to recognise the periodic table when you see it (shower curtain, people). So you’ll notice that our format is almost identical. In much the same way, our blocks are colour coded, with a key at the top to determine which category each individual fetish falls under. Central to each block you’ll find a symbol for the specific kink, and underneath it, the name of said kink. Wondering what the number in the top left hand corner represents? Interestingly, it’s the average number of monthly searches on Google. So, not only can you become clued up kinksters when it comes to the fetish scene, you can also determine which activities are the most popular. Trust us; you’ll be surprised at the results!
Conclusion: Whether you’re interested in finding out which fetishes are the most popular, you want to know which category your preferences fall under, or you’re simply looking for some inspiration, the UberKinky Periodic Table of Kink won’t disappoint. Purchase yours today and display it with pride!