Lacking a libido of late? Struggling to keep up? Well, don’t be soft, there’s no point getting down about it! As with any endurance sport, there are ways to train yourself and build up stamina. Indeed, there are also a few cheats (including delay sprays & creams) along the way, if you are so inclined!
Not completely happy with your performance? Well, when you consider that approximately 30% of men will suffer with premature ejaculation (PE) at some point during their lives, you’re certainly not alone! However, we know some guys simply want to experience a firmer erection, put in a powerful performance and experience superior sensations for even longer. Not that we think you’re greedy...
So, whatever your mischievous motivation, don’t delay; get a load of the various different ways to extend your sex play, in this gratifying guide!

Tools & Techniques

Stop Start Technique
Want to experience prolonged sex play? Then what’s stopping you?! Practiced alone or with a partner, this technique involves stimulating your manhood and then stopping just prior to ejaculation. Have a 30 - 60 second break and continue only when you feel like you have regained control. Repeat 4-5 times and then finally allow yourself to have an orgasm. Some couples find this technique inconvenient and frustrating, but it is a good way to focus on other sources of pleasure, rather than just the penis. Plus, when it comes to sex play, you’ll definitely get the green light!

Deep Breathing
And... breathe! That’s right folks, it may sound obvious, but regulating your breathing can really help when it comes to delaying ejaculation. A form of meditation and relaxation, this can help to control the anxiety that typically leads to early ejaculation. So avoid shallow, short breathing which can speed up heat rate and trigger an early departure of your man milk. Instead, spend 5 seconds breathing one deep, full breath and then exhale for a further 5 seconds. When used alongside other techniques, this approach is a breath of fresh air.

Kegel Exercises
Think Kegels are for girls? Wrong! Men can also benefit from pelvic floor exercise, especially when it comes to getting the most out of their sex play. The PC (pubococcygeus) muscle helps to control ejaculation; therefore strengthening it is a great way to put a stop to any manhood mishaps. Pelvic floor exercise merely involves squeezing and releasing the muscle. Over time it builds strength and tone, enhancing sexual function. Contracting the muscle when close to orgasm will also slow things down. Now, that should give you a lift!

Tantric Techniques
Get the results you’ve been longing for! This technique involves ceasing all stimulation at the point of climax (i.e. pulling out). At this point, contract the muscles within your pelvic floor and lower the chin to the chest. Tantra is all about energy and connecting on a spiritual level. Draw in a deep breath slowly and feel the warmth of the sexual energy rise upwards in your body. Repeat this process as necessary. Pull this off and experience play that’s been a long time coming!

Change Positions
What’s your stance on sexual positions? Well, some certainly feel better than others! That’s because they put more pressure on the glans, which just so happens to be the most sensitive part of your penis! Avoid missionary and doggy-style, opting instead for your partner on top. It’s also a good idea to take things slowly. The gentler and more teasing your sex play is, the longer you will be able to resist orgasm. Why not place a little more focus on foreplay too? You’re bound to be in good books if you’re putting their needs above yours. It’s a pretty good position to be in!

Benzocaine Condoms
Bounce back from inferior sex play! Certain condoms contain benzocaine, which is a mild anaesthetic and is commonly used as a pain reliever. In condoms it works to desensitise your dick, delaying climax, prolonging erection and enabling you to put in the performance of a lifetime. Cleverly designed to only affect the sensitivity of you and not your playmate, these condoms typically only contain benzocaine in the tip. There are also a number of extra thick condoms which could decrease the sensitivity of your manhood and enable you to last longer. So, make sure you’re protected!

Squeeze Technique
Squeeze in an endurance enhancing technique and you won’t be sorry! This technique involves squeezing the penis between the shaft and the glans just before reaching climax. It will immediately put a stop to ejaculation; however, it can also affect erection. That is, until you are stimulated again! Repeat 4-5 times, until you decide you’re deserving of an orgasm. You may want your playmate to carry out the squeezing for you. In order to be effective long-term, this method must be carried out over a number of months. Some couples, however, find that it affects their sex life in a negative way. Gripping stuff, eh?!

Delay Sprays & Creams
We’ve saved the best for last! There’s no time for procrastination; if you want something to make a difference to your sex life instantly, delay sprays and creams are the perfect choice. Not only do they increase stamina, they also enable you to maintain sensation and experience intensified orgasms. There are many different formulas available; each designed to be quickly absorbed by the skin. That means, in most cases, they can be applied immediately before sex. Some can even delay ejaculation by up to 20 minutes. Concocted from the finest ingredients known to delay ejaculation, many also contain vitamins and nutrients that are good for the body. You’ll feel like the cat that got the cream!