So you’re ready to play at being a quack? Then UberKinky has just what you need to start doling out some clean bills of health!
This sort of play really is just what the doctor ordered; so whether you’re ravenous for role play, hungry for humiliation, or merely ‘partial’ to every perverted possibility, we have all you need to know about purchasing your supreme speculum in this informative guide.

Why Speculums?
The other side of the speculum...
If BDSM is your ‘drug’ of choice, then incorporating some deviant doctor action into your extracurricular activities promises to deliver the ultimate high! Not only will the feeling of being stretched out enhance all other sensations within the scene, it will also open you up to a world of new possibilities. So now you can explore all of those ‘hard to reach’ places and give them the attention they deserve. Why not treat ailments with some extreme shock therapy, or some horrifically hot and callously cold remedies? You may even wish to prescribe the occassional deep clean!
Here at UberKinky, we love to enhance the sensation play aspect of our medical scene and do so with the use of restraint for all of those 'problem' patients. We also like to wipe everything down with alcohol swabs and wear gloves to instil memories of being in a ‘real’ doctor’s surgery. So, whether you have a medical fetish, or merely want to incorporate some speculum play into your BDSM scene, we guarantee that this instrument will take you to places you’ve never been before!

Speculum Safety
Speculum play might not a spectator sport, but it’s vital that you watch your bottom closely for signs of severe discomfort or pain.
Not only is it important to discuss boundaries/risks prior to getting started, it is also essential to monitor each other’s reactions closely. Stop if you are at all unsure of anything, and have a safe word agreed upon in case things don’t work out quite as planned. The most important thing to remember is to go slowly and apply plenty of lube. After all; you don’t want to cause any unnecessary friction. You may also wish to warm up the area by inserting a finger and gently moving it around.
As you know, we’re big believers that size matters here at UberKinky; so, be sure to start small! Forcing a large speculum in when bottoms aren’t ready could result in severe pain, and in some cases tearing.
Finally, it is imperative that your surgery is completely clean and you have sanitised/sterilised your toys thoroughly before playing. This is especially important for those who like to share, as it won’t just be the creative juices that are flowing!
Now, follow our advice and you’re in for a spectacular time!

The Do's

The Don'ts
- Force in the speculum
- Use same lubricant with multiple partners (it may harbour bacteria)
- Share tools that haven’t been thoroughly sterilised
- Pick a large instrument when just starting out

Speculum Types
Here at UberKinky, we’d hate to speculate as to which device will be right for you. However, what we can do is breakdown the different types to help make your decision easier. Some speculums can be used for both vaginal and anal examination (we recommended sticking to one hole per tool; please sterilise between uses either way), but there are also a number specifically designed for back door/front door visits only. For those that want to embark on an anal adventure, please steer clear of plastic/disposable speculua, or opt for a tool designed specifically for anal use. Now, we hope you've got those specs on, because it's important that you pay close attention to the UberKinky pros and cons of each type;

A safe and popular choice when it comes to speculums! Avoid being in grave danger of an unsuccessful scene, with a tool of this variety. The Graves speculum consists of two wide blades, somewhat reminiscent of a duck's bill and often referred to as such, with the lower blade protruding slightly more than the top one. This allows for accuracy and perfect positioning. This instrument promises to help you dig deep and leave no stone unturned in your mischievous medical play!
- Wide blades deliver strength and support
- Rounded blades and sides for greater comfort
- Blades can be easily adjusted, both at the base and top of the device
- Suitable for vaginal and anal examination
- Lockable
- Available in a variety of materials
- Difficult for use during solo play, adjustment requires both hands
- Wide blades not suitable for those with narrow vaginal/anal walls

Bottoms might fly high during a medical play scene; however, it is likely to be your Cusco speculum that reaches those sought after and remote locations! Similarly to the Graves and Pederson speculums, the Cusco has bills that open wide and lock into place. Now available in disposable and non disposable materials, you can choose what will better suit your scene. It can even fold up neatly in your case if you decide to take a trip somewhere, like... oh I don’t know; Peru!
- Can be folded up neatly for storage and transportation
- Rounded edges for comfort
- Easily adjustable – either with a side or centre screw
- Lockable
- One of the most comfortable speculums
- Suitable for both anal and vaginal examination
- Available in a variety of materials (disposable and non)
- Poor visibility of vaginal wall due to size
- Solo play difficult

Almost identical to the Graves Speculum in design, the Pederson Speculum has narrower bills, meaning that it is as gentle as a feather for those with narrow vaginal canals (this can be caused by traumatic injury or scar tissue). It is also much more suitable for anal play, particularly for those just starting out. We like to think of it as the Graves' offspring!
- Narrower than the Graves Speculum, making it a more comfortable option
- Available in a variety of materials
- Rounded blades and sides for greater comfort
- Blades can be easily adjusted, both at the base and top of the device
- Suitable for vaginal and anal examination
- Lockable
- Restricted view compared with the Graves (due to the narrow bills)
- Difficult for use during solo play, adjustment requires both hands

You may feel like you’re in a virtual universe, but trust us; what you feel with a Sims speculum is completely real! Set aside from many of its counterparts, the Sims speculum consists only of one blade which is inserted for dilation. The one piece design promotes easy control and grip; however it can restrict scope and accuracy. The groove will also retain secretion making for some extreme humiliation play if you so desire ;) A game of Sims just got a whole lot more interesting!
- Rounded ends for comfort
- Available in a variety of materials (disposable and non)
- Easy grip
- Available in different materials and sizes
- Limited visibility of the vaginal walls
- Not lockable
- Suitable only for vaginal examination

You’ll be anything but crushed after playing with a Miller Speculum! This is one of the most accurate and easily adjustable speculums currently available. The right wheel is designed to spread the blades, whilst the left wheel controls the angle in which they point. Conversely to the Graves and Pederson, this speculum opens left to right rather than up and down; it has a great scope and allows for changing points of view. You’ll easily grind bottoms down to your way of thinking with this torturous tool!
- Suitable for both anal and vaginal examination
- Extremely accurate
- Rounded edges for ease of insertion and comfort
- Ergonomically shaped
- Ideal for catheter play or stretching the urethra
- Solo play can be difficult due to the way in which it is adjusted

Rigby Wall Retractor
although sometimes we feel like we’re talking to a brick wall, we know that you guys pay attention to or advice really! That’s why we continue to impart our wisdom in these informative guides... A Rigby wall retractor is a small device, which looks almost like a pair of scissors with flat blades curving out at the end. It is a great tool for hardcore fetishists and will really add to any medical play scene. However, bottoms may just brick it when you present this terrifying tool!
- Lockable
- Makes for an authentic scene
- Suitable for both anal and vaginal insertion
- Blades are small and can therefore cause discomfort
- Won’t open up as deep as some other devices

although a simple enough tool, it’s still important to read up on the Collin Speculum before diving in blade first. Luckily for you, UberKinky has developed this speculum guide (or as we like to call it; our dictionary of speculums) to help you do just that! The Collin speculum is similar in design to the Miller, in that it opens sideways. It has one screw for adjustment, which is extremely easy to use and allows an incredible scope for searching deep and wide. The definition of sadistic satisfaction!
- Easily adjustable
- Innovative design – can be broken down easily for cleaning
- Hinge allows for deeper/better viewing
- Suitable for both anal and vaginal examination
- Wide, flat blades for optimum comfort
- Ideal for catheter play or stretching the urethra
- Flat blades can be uncomfortable
- Can pinch upon retraction (to avoid this do not close completely)

Dartigues Retractor
The Dartigues retractor is an eye watering instrument which is definitely not for the faint of heart. Similar, in some respects, to the Rigby wall retractor, it has two ‘blades’ that curve outwards at the bottom for an unbeatable view. although it is designed to deliver a satisfying stretch, it does not dig quite so deep as some of its counterparts. A device of this variety will certainly put a spring in your step!
- Wide scope
- Lockable
- Easily adjustable (simply by squeezing the hand)
- Suitable for vaginal and anal insertion
- Ratchet mechanism can be painful
- Not for beginners
- Retractor can spring shut
- Can sometimes be uncomfortable

Don’t throw away superior satisfaction by choosing the wrong speculum! If you intend on examining multiple patients, disposable speculums are the perfect choice. You can feel safe and hygienic without having the worry of a big clean up job when surgery comes to a close. Choose from a variety of different designs and remember to keep it tidy!
- Available in a variety of different styles
- Now common in the medical profession – makes for an authentic scene
- Simply throw away, no need for cleaning
- Requires a LOT of lubricant due to friction
- Not recommended for anal use
- Won't be able to incorporate temperature play

Labia Spreader
Want to put on a mouth watering spread? Well, we guarantee that what a labia spreader has to offer will definitely look good enough to eat! Typically made from less rigid material then speculums, and not an authentic medical device, this is not often the first choice for real medical play enthusiasts. However, it certainly allows for some deep exploration or examination, and will have you achieving ‘spot on’ sexual satisfaction in no time!
- Not as effective as some of the other speculum varieties
- Not an authentic medical device for hardcore medical fetishists
- Suitable only for vaginal play

This is very much a two in one device, for those that want to turn up voltage in their kinky medical play! Not only is this speculum designed for examination purposes, it will also make for some shocking treatment techniques. It is not recommended for beginners, so please work your way up gradually. For you experienced players, make sure you don’t get carried away and blow your fuse!
- Available in various designs
- Excellent way to get electricity deep into the body
- Ideal for those with medical and electrosex fetish
- Can be used for treatment as well as examination
- May be suitable for anal and vaginal insertion depending upon design
- Only compatible with water based or electro conductive lubricant (silicone is an insulator)
- Requires an electrosex power box

Anal Speculums

Are you ready for the ride of a lifetime? Well then saddle up for some extreme horseplay, UberKinky friends; an equine speculum promises to bring out your inner animal! Designed only for the experts, this is a speculum developed primarily for use on horses and cattle. The three blades open up to an incredible size for a breathtaking view. The possibilities are endless with this dangerous dilator; why not try some easy access fisting? Please remember, this is absolutely NOT the weapon of choice for beginners!
- Greater scope than other speculums
- Perfect for those that enjoy stretching
- 3 prongs for greater circumference
- Perfect for inserting large objects such as huge dildos and fisting toys
- Can be quite uncomfortable, particularly for those that are inexperienced
- Solo play is difficult because of the length
- Suitable only for anal examination
- Not suitable for beginners

Anal Spreader
Are you anal about anal? Then this dangerous device promises not to disappoint. Anal spreaders can stretch incredibly wide and are easily adjustable for use on your own or with a playmate. The size can be increased gradually for all of you stretching enthusiasts out there; however, it may be a less comfortable option due to the small surface area of the prongs. Typically made from a rigid and durable material, such as stainless steel or similar, these tools make for a very authentic medical play scene. Now... spread ‘em!
- Wide scope
- Lockable
- Can be used as an anal trainer (for stretching)
- Solo play can be easily enjoyed
- Two prongs mean a smaller circumference
- View may be restricted in comparison to other instruments (not as deep)

Are you ready for your close up? Generally crafted from rigid plastic or metal, the Proctoscope is available in disposable and non disposable varieties. It is designed for ease of insertion, leaving behind a hollow anal funnel once the inner aspect is removed. Enjoy some extreme water sports, or insert whatever you choose and really take your BDSM play up a notch. You'll soon discover what that vast open space has to offer!
- Locking mechanism
- Easy access to man’s prostate
- Durable
- Smooth and easy insertion
- Easily adjustable
- Tendency to pinch if fully closed before removal
- Not suitable for solo play - partner required for insertion and retraction

3 Prong
Fancy a 3 way? Then you’ve come to the right place! It might not involve three people (*might), but if we know you guys as well as we think we do, you’ll find this type of three way much more appealing ;) The 3 prong anal speculum allows for greater reach due to an increased circumference, whilst the length of the prongs allows you to dig deep for sadistic satisfaction. Three times the pleasure!
- Locking mechanism
- Easy access to man’s prostate
- Durable
- Smooth and easy insertion
- Easily adjustable
- Tendency to pinch if fully closed before removal
- Not suitable for solo play - partner required for insertion and retraction

The Anoscope may have a removable centre, but we promise you’ll feel anything other than empty inside after this kind of play! Similar in design to the Proctoscope, the Anoscope is also available in a variety of disposable and non disposable formats. You'll enjoy some lengthy play with a device of this variety; it can delve much deeper into the inner workings of ur-anus, helping bottoms float off into subspace with ease!
- Ideal for humiliation
- Rounded for easy insertion
- Removable centre for perfect positioning and view
- Variety of different sizes & materials
- Can be used as an anal funnel
- Solo play can be easily enjoyed
- Light required for visibility
- Not for beginners

Finding it difficult to stay clean? Well as always, UberKinky is here to lend a helping hand!
You can sterilise speculums made from stainless steel by boiling them in water and allowing to air dry. alternatively they can be placed in an autoclave. We recommend that you stick to one of these two methods, particularly if you plan on sharing with multiple partners. However, for a quickie cleanse (if yours is a one person tool), give it a wipe down with antibacterial toy cleaner or an UberKinky alcohol swab. Running through a dry cycle in the dishwasher will also help to sanitise your instrument ready for next time, but please ensure you give it a rinse beforehand.
If you have chosen a silicone toy, this too can be boiled, placed in the dishwasher (dry cycle), or cleaned using antibacterial toy cleaner/alcohol swabs.
Perspex/plastic speculums are typically designed for single use only... so simply throw away after your scene has ended. No muss, no fuss!
In order to keep your tools in a sanitary state, and to set your surgical scene, lay them out on a tray or surface that has been thoroughly cleaned with alcohol swabs or disinfectant.
Now we’re confident that you’re completely clean, prepare to dig deep and get dirty!