You can’t fool us! You may look like butt-er wouldn’t melt, but we know that everyone craves some intense anal action every once in a while. So, what could be more exciting than playing host to a stimulating sex toy specifically designed to ‘ring’ your bell?
Well, when it comes to butt plugs, you can’t beat the weird yet wonderful UberKinky collection! However, we’re not just here to plug our anally accomplished range; we’re also here to make all of your BIG dreams a reality. So, whether you want to get your fill of lascivious behaviour, add a little beauty to your brawn, intensify your sex play or take your BDSM/humiliation play to extremes, for the ultimate in back door gratification a butt plug is a welcome addition to any play.
Now, sit back, relax and open yourself up to a world of new possibilities!

Reasons You Should Try Butt Plugs
Bewildered by butt plugs? Not completely open to the idea of sticking something in your bum? Well, if you haven’t tried one, you’re really behind the times, and here are 4 UberKinky reasons why;

Add some bling to your ring and things will really start to look up...
Now look here; butt plugs boast supreme sex appeal. Not only can you get your hands on a beautiful jewelled butt plug or, indeed, a tantalising tail to really add to the aesthetics in your play, the look will also inspire great anticipation of what is to come. Why not use it as a method of teasing and exciting your playmate? Even the most basic of butt plugs looks incredibly sexy peeking out of your hole. So why not add a little bling to your back door?

Anal about preparation? Enjoy a wonderful warm up...
Anticipating that something big is about to happen? Wearing a butt plug can help you prepare for anal sex, or even fisting for those of you with huge anal ambitions. It can be a great starting point in order to get accustomed to the new sensations and the stretch associated with anal play. Butt plugs are also great for wearing in the prelude to anal sex, or other anal activities, as they will get you warmed up, relaxed and ready for action. So, if you’re anal about sex play, butt plugs are the way to go!

Tantalise the nerves and fill up on something substantial...
It’s important to be anally attentive! Butt plugs not only deliver a supreme stretch, they also provide a fantastic feeling of fullness and will titillate the nerve endings for unique and intense sensations. When this is combined with any other stimulation (such as oral sex, masturbation, or sex itself), the result is far superior and much more satisfying than anything you’ve ever experienced, and that’s before you reach climax. The bottom line is; the best just got better!

It’s high time you experienced your most powerful orgasm...
Are you coming around to the idea yet? As the pelvic floor muscles contract during orgasm, the muscles around the plug also contract. This makes the spasms feel much more powerful. In fact, orgasmic contractions are of far greater intensity with a butt plug in place than without. The strength and duration of the climax is, therefore, much greater. Additionally, extra nerve stimulation contributes to this increased intensity and an explosive orgasm. Don’t blow it by missing out!

Safety First!
You know that song, ‘Ring of Fire’?! Well, in order to avoid giving an all new meaning to the phrase, it’s vital that you read through our safety section carefully. After all, you don’t want unforeseen circumstances to pull the plug on your back door fun, do you?
Firstly, it is imperative to clean your toys thoroughly before and after each use. If you plan to share please check the safety of doing so. Porous toys can transmit infections and should therefore only be shared if condoms are used. For more information regarding cleaning and sex toy safety tips, please take a look at our Beginner’s Guide to Sex Toy Materials.
Now, being lost in space is a frightening prospect. However, getting a butt plug lost in Ur-anus can be an even more terrifying thought, particulay for those of us that aren’t astronauts! That’s why it is imperative that you follow our advice and choose a toy with a flange (flared base). If you select an alternative design (there are always those that think they know best!) and your toy does get lost in the moment, it is important to remain calm. Simply sit on the toilet and push, as if doing a poo. The toy should move downwards to a point where it can be pulled out easily. Failing that, however, it may be an appropriate time to take a trip to the emergency room. Have no fear; 'good' boys and girls that listen to UberKinky will be just fine!
Finally, don’t overdo it; remember everything (and we mean everything) in moderation!

The Do's
- Choose a small, smooth butt plug
- Make sure your butt plug has a flared base (flange)
- Use plenty of lubricant
- Go slowly and stop immediately if you feel any pain
- Sanitise toys before and after each use
- Use a condom if your toy is porous and you plan to share

The Don'ts
- Choose a long, hard butt plug
- Use a toy with a circumference greater than 4.5 inches (diameter - 1.4 ins.)
- Force a plug in, be patient!
- Choose a textured or ridged plug
- Wear for more than 20 minutes. You can gradually build this up over time (if you desire)

Getting Started
How difficult it is to insert the butt plug will vary from person to person. Some people are much more relaxed and flexible than others. Until you are comfortable taking a whole butt plug we recommend that you fly solo and get used to the sensations. We know you’re excited, but it's not a race...remember; all good things come to those who wait! After all, even Usain Bolt starts slowly. So, here’s our step by step guide to get you started. You will find this process easier if you are already slightly aroused. Like you needed an excuse ;-)
- Apply plenty of lubricant to the anus and the toy
- Gently insert a well lubricated finger into the anus and allow it a little time to explore
- Assume the position. We recommend one of the following;
- Laid on your side
- On all fours (doggy-style)
- Squatting over the butt plug (either on the knees or feet)
- Point your butt plug towards the anal opening, angled upwards slightly towards the stomach. Lightly push in the tip (a condom will aid quick clean up)
- Some discomfort is normal, but if you feel any pain at this point please stop immediately
- If you are able to, gradually and gently push in the rest of the butt plug. It is common for this to take a few tries, but don’t dismay UberKinky friends, just plug away! Try again the following day, and the day after, until you are able to take the full thing
- Try squeezing the sphincter muscles around the toy for greater stimulation. You can even slide in and out for a added pleasure
In the beginning, it is quite common for muscle contractions to cause the butt plug to shoot back out of the anus. although this can be quite entertaining, it should not continue over time. If it does, it may be worth considering a slightly larger plug, or one designed for long term use.

Which Lube To Use?
Listen up UberKinky friends; we know that we’ve taught you well. That’s why there’s no need for us to reiterate just how important lubricant is for anal play, is there? Okay, okay, one more time for those that missed it; the anus doesn’t self lubricate, which means lube is an essential accompaniment for optimum glide and minimal discomfort.
although both silicone and water based lubricants can be used with butt plugs, silicone is not compatible with every sex toy material, (check our Beginner’s Guide to Sex Toy Materials) so we would always recommend using a high quality water based formula. Please also steer clear of relaxant or numbing agents to begin with as they could mask any problems that you need to be aware of.
Try a drop of the following for best results;

What Next?
Well, now that you’re getting a hole in one every time you can pick out your brand new anal acquaintance. Whether you want to ramp up your sex play, add a little beauty to your extracurricular activities, stretch yourself to the limits or really take your BDSM play up a notch, you are now fully prepped and ready to go. For those that have HUGE anal ambitions, why not take a look at our Beginner’s Guide to Anal Stretching?
If you want to welcome your guest long term, pick out a large or hollow butt plug. A well fitting pair of pants can help to keep the plug in place throughout your day to day activities, or you could even fashion a harness out of rope or bondage tape. Don't forget; it is crucial to remove the butt plug at regular intervals to reapply lubricant.