Many men will divulge the fact that they love having their balls played with, some will even admit they are fond of a bit of CBT (Cock and Ball Torture). One of the more popular forms of ball play is the fine art of ball stretching.
Ball stretching is done for many reasons. Some enjoy the aesthetics and ball envy of having a pair of low hangers, while others enjoy the swing of a pendulous pair of balls. Others will declare they enjoy the feeling of an elongated orgasm. Whatever the reason, with this handy guide, you will be on your way to ball stretching stardom.

Reasons You Should Try Ball Stretching
Baffled by ball stretching? Not really got a grip on the concept? Well, it takes a man with real balls to give it a go, but when it comes to sensual/sexual/sadistic satisfaction, this type of ball play is in a league of its own!

Swing low, sweet chariot! Feel like you’re on the climactic brink all day long...
It’s no stretch to say that this terrific tug is one of the most satisfying sensations you’ll ever experience! Merely wearing a stretcher imitates that tremendous tightening sensation felt just prior to climax, and your playmate will love the feeling of a ball weight/stretched out sack banging against them during sex. We really feel for those that have never tried it!

Size matters! All eyes will be on those impressive gems...
It’s no stretch to say that this terrific tug is one of the most satisfying sensations you’ll ever experience! Merely wearing a stretcher imitates that tremendous tightening sensation felt just prior to climax, and your playmate will love the feeling of a ball weight/stretched out sack banging against them during sex. We really feel for those that have never tried it!

The lower the testicles, the further the ejaculate must travel...
Congratulations, you’ve pulled! Slip on your stretcher before you get started with your play and feel the scrotum attempt to contract as you reach your peak. Unable to move, the resistance makes for a much longer lasting and incredibly powerful orgasm. The overall process of stretching will give you a new found stamina too. Come on, you know you want to!

Tightly stretched skin is more sensitive, magnifying every tantalising touch...
It’s about time you came to your senses about ball stretching! Wearing a stretcher enhances every tantalising touch, lick and tickle for the ultimate in sensual satisfaction. The softest stroke will have you on the climactic verge. Some may wish to use this to their advantage and partake in some brutal BDSM play. Just remember to play sensibly!

Safety First!
As with many things, you should stop what you’re doing immediately if you start to feel any discomfort or pain. Ball stretching is not a race! The best, most satisfying results come with constant and gradual work.
It is vitally important to everyone here at UberKinky that you always practice safe sex play. So please follow these tips and help us to sleep easy!

The Do's
- Be gentle with your testicles
- Check for proper circulation
- Keep an eye out for chaffing
- Be aware of the risk of testicle torsion where the testicle twists at the spermatic cord and cuts off the blood supply. This can occur when carelessly handling ball weights
- Use top quality lubrication and pick up some coco butter or shea butter to help maintain your skin’s elasticity
- Continue to stretch periodically after you’ve reached your goal to maintain your ball sack length

The Don'ts
- Use too much weight too soon or handle your weights too carelessly
- Have a ball stretcher on too tight; you could cut off the blood flow to the boys down below. If they have a bluish tinge or feel very cold, stop immediately. If things don’t improve, see a doctor ASAP!
- Try to ejaculate while wearing a ball stretcher for the first few times
- Go any further if you begin to feel pain

Types Of Ball Stretchers
There are so many different ball stretchers available, how do you know which one is right for you?
Ball stretchers come in many different sizes and materials, it is important to choose the one that is right for you. Consider whether or not you want to wear your stretcher under your clothes, and decide on your main aim. Here at Uberkinky understand how important it is that you reach your ball stretching goal, so we have put together a comprehensive breakdown of the types of ball stretchers available. They fall under eight main categories and each provides a different way to stretch your ball sack.

Split Collar Ball Stretcher
Material: Metal
- Easy to put on and take off with a hex key
- Comes in many weights
- Can be worn under clothes
- Can nip and pinch skin
- Requires hex key
- You have to buy the correct size
- Can make a noise if more than one is worn

Weighted Leather Stretcher
Material: Leather
- Comes in different lengths and weights
- Adjustable
- Comfortable
- Leather needs special care
- Absorbs lube and sweat

Solid Ring
Material: Metal, silicone
- No chance of painful nipping when putting on as in spit collars
- Comes in many weights
- Can be worn under clothes
- Could slip off if you buy a size that's too large
- Can make a noise if more than one is worn

Leather Ball Bags - Bull Bags
Material: Leather
- Adjustable collar
- Comfortable
- Leather needs special care
- Absorbs lube and sweat
- Cannot be worn under clothing

Material: Leather
- Adjustable
- Comfortable
- Can easily increase or decrease the weight
- Perfect for CBT
- Cannot be worn under clothing
- Requires additional weights
- Leather needs special care
- Absorbs lube and sweat

Vacuum Pumps
Material: Various
- Will immediately increase your testicle size
- Will make the testicles more sensitive
- Can also be used to enlarge the penis
- Very temporary

Material: Wood
- Presents your balls for cock and ball torture
- Cannot be worn under clothing, mostly used as bondage gear
- Uncomfortable

Warming Up
Just like any athletic activity, it’s always a good idea to warm up. Ball stretching is no different. Take the time before putting on your ball stretchers to do a few hand exercises. We’re not asking you to pull with so much force you rip your balls off, just enough to get a good daily stretch.
Warm up 1 - Take a Shower
During a warm shower:
- Grab your scrotum on each side
- Pull the skin down and out
- Hold for about 45 seconds
Warm up 2 – stretching the spermatic cords
- Make the OK sign with your hand while looping it around the top of your ball sack
- Run this circle downward to the top of your balls
- Pull downward for about a minute
- Release and repeat this exercise while pulling to the left and the right sides for 30-45 seconds each side
- Using the same OK sign style grasp, now pull your balls straight up, reaching for your navel
The Web Stretch
This stretches the web of skin called the penoscrotal web that connects the penis to the testicles. Stretching this bit of skin will allow for your testicles to hang at their very lowest so this exercise should be the bare minimum of hand exercises.
- Using the OK hand gesture looped around your ball sack, pull downward as you hold your penis upward
- Pull with enough tension that the skin between being stretched starts to feel warm and slightly stingy
- Hold this pose for anywhere between several seconds to a few minutes

Getting Started
So you’ve decided to take the plunge and start stretching your balls, but how do you begin? Much like in any physical activity, it’s always best to warm up.
- Have a warm bath
- Let your balls soak, relax and sag while you relax your mind
- Touch your index finger and thumb around your scrotum between your body and balls push downward with GENTLE pressure
- If you’re still quite comfortable to continue, try gently slipping on a soft and stretchy silicone ball stretcher like the Oxballs Screwballs. You can also use a stainless steel ball stretcher such as The Most Comfortable Ball Weight
- Once your ball stretcher is on, sit and admire the view. Allow your balls to become accustomed to the new sensation. Gently play with your balls, everything still good?
- If you can manage it, slip on another ring. If not, enjoy the stretch for about 10-20 minutes

Maximise Potential
After a while you will feel comfortable in your ball stretcher as you’ve achieved that initial stretch. To prevent chaffing, be sure to use plenty of lube * when stretching your balls and ensure your lubricant is compatible with the material for your ball stretcher. Choose a cream with plenty of vitamin E to help nourish your growing scrotal skin. Many men swear by shea butter products. * We recommend our Gun Oil silicone lubricant. It contains vitamin E, is hypoallergenic, and the silicone base means that it doesn’t dry out quickly. Now experiment with different styles, methods and materials in order to maximise your ball stretching potential.
Some men will eventually work their way up to wearing a ball stretcher 24/7, we would advise that you play it by ear. Only you know your own body, start off small and work your way up. This goes for both additional weights and time. With patience and determination, your ball sack will be knocking your knees in no time.

What Next
The day has come; your ball sack is now a pendulous plaything to be proud of. You may now ask yourself, ‘How do I maintain my hard work once I’ve reached my goal?’ The thing to remember is, once you start, you may never fully stop if you want to keep your balls stretched. According to the ball stretching expert Jarod Johansen,
“Once the initial desired sack length is reached, stretching must continue past this point because the sack will begin to shrink about 20% after the weights are left off 15 days or longer.”
So keep up your stretching exercises and wear your favourite ball stretcher occasionally to keep your low hangers hanging low.